Self Development 101
What is the use of a
book with no knowledge learned? No one wants to read a book which will not pass
any information on to your knowledge archives nor will one read a boring novel.
But *Self Development 101* isn't a book to add knowledge to your archive alone,
it is a book to change the Potential energy of your knowledge to Kinetic energy
that will result in actions. Taking a
quote from the book itself, John C. Maxwell quoted Jim Rohn who said
"Don't let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to
Self Development 101
is a book every leader who is passionate about impacting lives in any sphere of
life should read, and besides, we have 6 billion leaders and counting on earth.
It provided the fundamentals of knowledge and what developing one's self,
potentials and talents results to. There is a plethora of practical knowledge
to be shared but because of time, I will provide four things that was
skillfully taught in the book
You must
successfully lead yourself, and continue leading yourself before leading
others: Any of us would have had experience with someone who is not a doer of
their advice. It was clearly voiced out
in this book that you have to be able to develop yourself before you can lead,
because for you to raise leaders and not mere followers who cannot stand
without you, you have to *access* knowledge, and mind you, accessing self
developing knowledge isn't about reading books alone like majority of youths
believe, it is more than that. This leads to the second point the book
Develop healthy
relationship: John C. Maxwell stated in the book that "You can't learn
everything from someone but you can learn something from everyone" No
matter how knowledgeable you are, the awards you've received or the impacts
you've made. Never stop learning from people no matter how little it may be,
someone may not know as much as you do but can teach you or reinforce what you
know. Open your mind to learn. Have a mindset of learning from people and
develop healthy relationships with people because that is another way of
developing one self
Experience : John
C. Maxwell made a shocking discovery that "Experience is the best teacher*
is a myth and a flawed adage that should not be 'wholly' believed. He made
mention that *experience doesn't teach if you do not reflect on them.* Have you
ever seen people make the same mistake a thousand time and you wonder if they
didn't learn the first time? You are not far from the truth, they truly didn't
learn from their experience, Why? Because
they didn't reflect on them. You have to reflect on your experience to learn
from them or be taught by them. If you ever make a mistake, sit down and
reflect on it, replay the process in your head and realize the things you
should and shouldn't have done. But most importantly, with positivity. Saying this, let's explore the most
important thing I learnt in this great book
Meditate and
reflect: I am sure no one remembers the subject they dreaded and hated in
secondary school any longer. Personally, I hated Economics and trust me, the
only thing I remember in the 3 years course is *Demand and Supply* The same
with what you learn, you've read a wonderful, enlightening book you think would
change your life forever, you even jotted down the flawless principles learned
in the book inside your jotter and after two months, you realized you cannot
remember what was jotted down talk less of it governing your daily activities.
Why? Because you didn't take them to
reflect and revisit the jotted and highlighted words again. The book talked
about reflecting and meditating on whatever you learn to make sure it governs
your life. Most importantly, everyday
and everything that happens within 24 hours is a lesson learned. John C.
Maxwell advised the readers to reflect upon everything they did during the day
and derive what they learnt in each activities before closing their eyes to
I encourage everyone
to read this great book
As Compiled and Reviewed by:
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