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Monday, May 25, 2020

The power of I Am by Joel Osteen

The power of I Am

This book tells us about the power, strength, God-given talent we possess, as individuals we are able to achieve the unimaginable, but we human beings belittle ourselves, God said he made us a little lower than the angels, God has deposited a treasure inside each and every one of us and how do we unleash this? Definitely by the words of our mouth and with the help of God, but for the sake of this book we'll dwell on the words of our mouth. This book has basically opened my eyes to so many things, I now talk as one who's coming from loyalty, I see me as a masterpiece, I see me an extraordinary being, like I come from royalty.  It is very normal for we "Humans" to compare our lives with others, because in our mind he/she is better than me, that's a lie from the devil, you are you for a purpose and reason, you are not an accident. You've got talent. Maybe you'll say am not as beautiful and She is, if God had wanted you to be like the person you're comparing your life, he can! If he had wanted you taller than you are he still can!  God has no limit. Celebrate you, there's power in your tonque, use positive words over life, regardless of the situation, be positive. I recommend this movie "Breakthrough "

As Compiled and Reviewed by:
Ulo Attako

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